miércoles, 9 de julio de 2008

Are we well-informed with internet?

How often do you get information from the web?
Do you trust virtual information as much as information in books?
We are looking forward to your comments!!!!

3 comentarios:

Rodrigo Fon dijo...

I get information in the internet every day.
I think that the information of internet is as well as books, but is easier get than books.

la discriminacion en el futbol dijo...

I get information from the web twice a week.
I think that information in books is more credible than virtual information.

Rodrigo Fon dijo...

about pink´s song. I like so much.
I think that Mr president doesn´t feel bad whit this question because he doesn´t think that this comentary are true about him or for him aren´t important. he only think in the power.